Eyelash Extensions will provide you with longer, fuller, luscious and natural-looking eyelashes. Eyelash extensions are single synthetic strands that mimic the natural shape of your  lashes. They are applied ONE by ONE directly to your individual eyelashes by your stylist. At Nourish Beauty & Wellness, we create a customized design for your eyes. We specifically design a set of lashes that will enhance the natural beauty of your eyes, based on your face and eye shape and lifestyle.

Our team is highly educated and with years of experience in different techniques like classic, volume, mega volume and hybrid, and design.

With routine Re-Lashes every 2 to 3 weeks, you can have and beautiful natural looking lashes indefinitely.



Eyelashes Full Set Classic

This service includes complementary consultation, personalized design, and the use of a classic technique for a natural look that perfectly fits your face and eyes as well as your lifestyle.



Eyelashes Full Set Volume

For a more dramatic and fuller look, a full set volume enhances your eyes. Your unique, tailored natural design will complement your eyes beautifully. This set has more drama but is still classy and luxurious.



Get a freshen up, add more extension, make some adjustments to your set, and walk out of the studio feeling like the day you get your full set. We offer weekly, biweekly and every 3 weeks re-lashes. (Services beyond 3 weeks would be considered a FULL SET)


Eyelash tinting is a beauty treatment that dyes your natural lashes darker to create the appearance of longer and fuller eyelashes. Unlike applying mascara or eyelash extensions, eyelash tinting can last up to 4 weeks, until your eyelashes naturally fall out, or the color fades away. This service is a natural complement to the LASH LIFT.



Go natural — with a boost. Lash lifts make natural lashes appear longer, lifted, and curled without lash extensions. Our lift system is a revolutionary take on the traditional lash perm, using industry-renowned cream solutions that create lifted lashes that last up to 4-5 weeks. With the lash lift kit, we offer six different “lift” levels. The process uses cream-based solutions for optimal safety, comfort, and health. The perfect alternative for clients who want to avoid maintaining eyelash extensions.

JE LASH LIFT - $86.25

JE LASH LIFT & TINT - $97.75